Misconceptions About Hiring Custom Home Builders

27 January 2023
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


If you want to live in a home that nobody has ever lived in before — one that is built to perfectly suit your needs — then hiring a custom home builder is an approach that makes sense. In most areas, there are at least a couple of home-building companies, so you can easily meet with representatives from a couple of them and start getting quotes. In these early stages, it is also a good idea to clear up any misconceptions you might have about the custom home building process — which often includes the following.

Misconception: Your builders will design the home

There are some companies that offer designing and building services under the same roof. These are known as design-build firms. But unless a home building company specifically advertises design services, you can assume that they only do the building. You will need to come to them with a design, which means you will need to hire an architecture team or designer to draw building plans for you. If you don't know any designers, the building company you're planning on hiring can likely recommend one.

Misconception: Building two stories is always the best option

Builders and designers will often encourage you to add a second story. It's generally cheaper to add a second story than it is to make your first floor larger. A second story does not require more foundation or roof, which are some of the most expensive parts of a home. However, there are definitely times when you don't want to add a second story. Maybe you plan on aging in this home, and you don't want it to have stairs. Or perhaps you want the home to foster more family time, so you don't want the bedrooms so secluded on a second story. Don't feel pressured to have a second floor built if it is not right for you.

Misconception: You have to use your builder's financier

Generally, the building company that is constructing your new home will recommend a bank or credit union to finance your purchase. Going with this financier is often convenient, but it is not required. You can absolutely shop around and use a different lender if they give you a better deal. Your builder won't care; they simply recommend a financier to help you out if you don't know where to start.

With these misconceptions cleared up, you're more prepared than ever to build your home. Reach out to local custom home builders to learn more.