Why Timber Is Used For Most Private Bridges Across America

25 January 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


Whether you have a tiny little ditch or a moderate stream that you need to cross over on your property, a bridge is going to be the most likely solution. While you may be used to the large, impressive bridges made out of concrete and steel that are used in public spaces, most of the time for private property, timber is the material of choice.

There are a few reasons why timber bridges make the most sensible choice even for larger private bridges, so if you are torn about not being able to go with concrete and steel like you may have wanted, here is why you should not be conflicted about it.

Easier To Adjust

Large, public bridges are planned for by huge teams of architects, engineers, and town planners. They are designed with highly technical accuracy to make sure they fit perfectly in the space they were designed to, and this can cost millions of dollars. Private bridges, while still specifically designed for your needs, might need to be adjusted slightly on the fly. Timber is much easier to extend out or add new features to than concrete and metal, which makes it far more practical in smaller situations like your property.


When it comes to using expensive and heavy materials, you get a lot more diminishing returns on private property than you will on larger, public projects. While you will have to pay tens, or hundreds, of thousands more for other materials, a difference in material won't have any meaningful difference to you. A good wooden bridge can easily last decades, while concrete and metal can last hundreds. However, unless you are planning on transporting heavy machinery or big vehicles over the bridge, then timber will do far more than enough and easily survive your lifetime needs with very few complaints. 


While concrete and metal might look impressive in huge structures, for smaller operations it can look more like an eyesore in the natural environment than timber. Timber bridges have a far simpler impact on the landscape and look better when it comes to private property. For those who don't need a bridge to carry thousands of tons of vehicles every single day, timber will be a much more pleasing choice in the years to come as it ages and becomes even more a visual part of your property, rather than sticking out like a sore, concrete thumb.